My World

The definition of success differs from person to person, his goals, desires, ambitions and many other factors. Everyone desires a successful life, but not everyone is able to call themselves to have lived a successful life. For me, being successful is being happy with thing that I do, that has impact in my life and life of people of society and happiness is the characteristic that is associated with the results of actions we take. Doing what I love, unless it affects others life in a negative way is what makes me happy.
A person can be happy for many reasons, maybe for the position he acquired in the office, marks he scored in an examination, even maybe for seeing others happy. While some might call themselves successful after attaining a well paid job, and some might call themselves successful for the services that he has provided for the betterment of people around him. We can see many instances throughout history where providing selfless service used to make them happy, and now we call them to be successful with their life. For instance, Mother Teresa, she devoted herself, her life for the society and lived happily for doing what she wanted to do. We can see many scientists who have that audacity to think of what others rarely think of and believing in those things, working for those dreams is what makes them successful. After doing what a person desires and obtaining the result in his favour can be called as a key for successful life. In conclusion I would like to state that do what you believe and believing in what you do, you will be on your way to have a happy and a successful life.