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👻 HacktoberFEST Halloween Graffiti 👻

Check out the sites that have been created

-- OR --
Learn how to add your own site for everyone to see


Check out the amazing sites by participants below!

🔀 Random participant! 🔀
Dom Allan Eddie Fisher Aaron Gaddes Aimee Tacchi Artur Dobosz Mint Dawn Albert Sundjaja Ameer Zaita Anthony Kusuma Antony Targett Daron Ryan David Bui Elbranz Dayrama Denise Horstman dj805929 Eric Jiang M Faisal Akbar Fanuch Gaurang Ribadiya Hanson Lynn Huon Imberger Ian Millar Ioan Mercea James Formica Jenny Thach Jonathan Punzalan Julian Farinaccio Julius Miyumo Karine Agredo Kat Goff Kerri Sim M. X. Lever Laisa Barros Linda Lai Luke Nailer Marielle Louise Cruz Matt Control Michael Winter Nathalia Tan David James Peakgeek Prayatna Bhattarai Priyanka Robin Klaus Dunbar Roh Moh Sabhya Samuel Wee Shuying Lin Stephen Beattie Sundeep Chand Terence Huynh Tommy O'Sullivan Verity Brean Yael Steinberger Zain Afzal Piyush jha Naveen Bassi Makitsune Zara Otamias Xaca Rana Lucas Phang Derick Falk Mike Strider Josh Parnham Poespas Pas Ritvik Lenin Ben

How to contribute

Want to add your own site? We'd love you to! Follow the instructions below to make it happen. Feel free to ask for help at any point if you are unsure of any of the steps. We are here to help!

Step 1.

You will need to fork this repository (repo) so you can begin editing the code. Head over to the JuniorDev HacktoberFEST GitHub repo and click the Fork button on the top right hand side of the page.

Step 2.

Once the fork is copied to your github, use your preferred way to clone the repo locally. I will assume you are using terminal, in which case run a command like follows:

git clone https://github.com/~your-github-here~/hacktober-fest-halloween-graffiti.git

Step 3.

Once the repo is forked, go into the folder by running a command like

cd hacktober-fest-halloween-graffiti

Now that you are inside the repo you will need to create your own branch to work on. This ensures your work and everyone else's work will be done separately. First decide on your branch name, then type something like:

git checkout -b [your-branch-name]

Now you can begin your work in your IDE of choice...

Step 4.

To start building your own page, create a folder under participants as yourFirstName-yourLastName. It is best to not use spaces and instead use a dash to separate any words.

Step 5.

Then inside this folder create a new index.html file. Once you've created your file, paste in some basic HTML that will get you started, perhaps something like:

        <!DOCTYPE html>
        <html lang="en">
          <meta charset="UTF-8">
          <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
          <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
          <title>Your name here</title>


Step 6.

Much like the previous step, create a styles.css. You can then link it in your index.html file inside the <head> element with something like:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">

Step 7.

The rest is up to you, create until you're completely out of ideas!

Step 8.

Once you've finished, add yourself to the index.html (this file you are reading) above in the Participants section!

Step 9.

Then it's time to create a PR to your own fork. To do this go to the Pull Request section in Github.

Step 10.

Then click the New Pull Request button and add some info about your pull request and give it a funky name.

Step 11.

Merge when you are happy with it, feel free to get a friend, mentor or someone on your table to review it.

Step 12.

Once you have merged your PR to your fork its time to get this live on JuniorDev! To do this repeat steps 9 && 10 - then move onto step 13!

Step 13.

Finally click the link that reads Compare across forks

Step 14.

Check it, submit it and then congrats you have sucessfully completed, not one but
TWO Pull Requests to #Hacktoberfest2019!